tino leone

RA | Principal, Architect

Tino’s depth of experience and project understanding enhances his role as the newest Principal at HB&A. Since joining HB&A, he has developed into one of our key architects with over eighteen years of professional experience working on a broad range of project types and at all levels of project completion. Tino’s strengths include close attention to detail, a quick grasp of design challenges and their possible solutions, technical knowledge, graphic communication, and organizational skills. He continues to build on his experience in affordable and sustainable housing designs.

Education: I studied architectural design at Kansas State University - go Wildcats!

Family or background: Growing up, I lived in Tennessee and New Jersey before moving out to Colorado to finish high school.

What’s your favorite movie quote? “I want to do more than just watch a race, I want to take part in it.” - Chariots of Fire

What are three things you enjoy doing in your spare time? Hiking, playing pitch & being with the family.

If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Ruth’s Chris juicy ribeye steak with all the fixings.